How To Write a Prince Pasta's Pasta


This is just me writing down things I often find whenever I read stories written by Prince Pasta. Obviously it's not meant to be taken seriously.


#Be someone named Prince Pasta
#Have a profile pic snapshotted from an iPhone or iPad of a blue macaroni and cheese
#Create a story with a title, sometimes simple, but can be rather unique.
#Add in settings like the year, the location, the time, and introduce the main characters in the beginning of the story
#Add in lots and LOTS of uneeded dialogue
#Add pointless detail and description of characters
#Actually put some time and effort into the story to make it "good and detailed"
#Add a picture that would've been engaging or spooky if it wasn't a snapshot from an iPad, but this is an exception for some stories.
#Make sure there are NO line breaks in your story. EVER.
#Make sure your story is one of the few pastas with little to no profanity at all.
#Make sure your stories are also repetitive as fuck
#Have the Prince Pasta's Pastas category on your story, nothing else
#Leave people puzzled over whether this was serious or not


Prince Pasta definitely knows how to confuse users into thinking if this is a troll or if it's trying to be good.